Fortunately, this is not that serious.
The name up for discussion today is this blog's: Just Head South. And, while nomenclature is not to be taken lightly there are instances in which it may matter a bit less than in others. Naming our three kids was a long, drawn out process that literally spanned months. There was a method to our madness which may or may not make sense to anyone but us, which is perfectly fine. Back to Just Head South. Do tell the deeply rooted, philosophical meaning behind this carefully thought out decision. I liked it. That's about it…initially. But, as with most things in life, there are layers within cognitive thoughts. It wasn't until I was talking it over with my wife that I actually realized some of the significance behind the name. And I say some because I'm sure that there is more there than what I have uncovered so far. As I found myself trying to explain how/why I came up with the name it suddenly just made sense. I was born and raised in the south and am extremely thankful for and proud of my heritage. Now I married a girl from the Midwest so don't go thinking I'm all stuck in my ways, can't think outside of my own box, like things how I like them and that's it. I am that way, I just don't want you to think it. I love experiencing all four seasons but don't have a high level of interest in being cold for very long. Generic, blanket statement alert: the people are nice, polite, and well mannered in the south. The traditions, cultural nuances, sweetness of tea, sense of community are all things that make the south comfortable for me. And, since the name Southern Comfort is spoken for, that was immediately off the table. The more I thought through it, the more I realized that there are few circumstances in which I may find myself where I could increase my personal comfort level if I would Just Head South. This is an obvious physical truth if we're talking about winter in Nova Scotia. But there is also truth in it (for me) when thinking about core values, food preparation, child rearing, etc. Bottom line for me is this: when I feel a little out of place, in any aspect of life, things almost always eventually get better if I Just Head South.
Credit: @PicsOfTheSouth for this awesome shot of the South
Inevitably there are times when you don't feel comfortable as well; it could be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, etc. So, when you find yourself in that place, where do you go for solace?
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